Name That Tune – iPod shuffle style

I haven’t put up an iPod shuffle quiz since December and felt like doing another. There’s no rhyme or reason to it, but here are the first lines of forty musical theatre songs. For the sake of keeping it interesting, I skipped anything with the title in the first line. Name the song title and show. I’m curious to see if anyone will take the challenge and if they do, see just well they do. Some answers are easy, others not so much. There’s no prize other than bragging rights, but it could be fun way to pass a little time. I’ll be posting the answers in one week.

1. “Chicago’s eleven below and the forecast is snow”
2. “You know that our parting breaks my heart”
3. “I once loved a girl out in Flatbush”
4. “A man is a fool to lose his temper”
5. “The strongest thing in the world is not made of steel”
6. “Now I see you in the window of a carriage then a train”
7. “Somehow the ceiling seems a little higher”
8. “In all the famous love affairs the lovers have to struggle”
9. “In the Tiber there sits a boat gently dipping its bow”
10. “I slipped out this afternoon and bought some love insurance”
11. “It’s crazy. Ridiculous. It doesn’t make sense”
12. “Every man has a job to do”
13. “How can people be so heartless? How can people be so cruel”
14. “The wonders of the world are said to stop at seven”
15. “My daughter is marrying an idiot”
16. “Nobody home come spring. Nobody home come fall”
17. “Girls have come and gone, Papa.”
18. “I should never have gone to the theatre”
19. ‘Please let me say from the start I don’t pretend to be smart”
20. “When the clock goes off and I rub my eyes”
21. “We’re the perfect loving family so adoring”
22. “Who writes the words and music for all the girlie shows”
23. “I love my wife and I love her more than the way I used to love her before”
24. “Why did she die in the spring? Roses bloom and robins sing”
25. “If music is no longer lovely, if laughter is no longer lilting”
26. “When you feel you’ve gone to hell in a hand basket”
27. “Last night I met a man beneath a pale and haunted moon”
28. “There once lived a wonderful woman…”
29. “What is the curse that makes the universe so all bewilderin’?”
30. “When she mentioned how her aunt bit off the spoon…”
31. “I’ve wined and dined on Mulligan stew and never wished for turkey”
32. “March went out like a lion, a-whippin’ up the water in the bay”
33. “His going in the Army is the best thing he could do”
34. “Plenty of times I been in plenty of jams”
35. “Ella, look at me. This way, Ella. Ella concentrate hard.”
36. “I trust he really is what I think he is”
37. “These are very popular in Italy”
38. “At the villa of the Baron di Signac”
39. “Oh, what a bevy of beauties. Oh, what a school of fish”
40. “The sea and sky are blue here. The air is warm and sweet”


“Look at all the immortal works of art”