Backstage at ‘The Sound of Music’

Sometimes the show behind the show is as fascinating as the one onstage. Many people don’t really know how much work goes into one single Broadway performance – or the amount of people employed by each particular show, particularly behind the scenes. Jamie DeRoy and Rick McKay made this documentary in 1999, one year into The Sound of Music revival’s run at the Martin Beck Theater. Gaining considerable access, the cameras were allowed into the dressing rooms, the wings, the lobby and in and around the various areas of the performance space. DeRoy talks to actors, stagehands, the wardrobe supervisor, the sound team and even the child wrangler giving one a truly inside look at the goings on of show folk. The production stage manager talks about how the job of the backstage team is to make the audience unaware that there is anyone except the actors in the vicinity of the stage. One of the more interesting elements is seeing departing star Rebecca Luker talk about her upcoming departure from the show, while simultaneously meeting her fresh-faced nineteen year old understudy Laura Benanti (in her Broadway debut) talk about the thrill of replacing the veteran star in the role of Maria.